I’ll Have A Double Portion


Inspirational Thought of the Day:

There is a quest for “more” that God approves of – especially when it is spent on others for His glory.

Scripture of the Day:

2 Kings 2:9

“When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, ‘What can I do for you, before I am taken away from you?’ Elisha answered, ‘May I receive a double portion of the prophetic spirit that energizes you.'”

When I was twelve, a quarter was very important. It was the difference between doing laundry or not. For my mom and I, every penny counted during that time. I confess I felt remorse and guilt at spending two quarters on a video game at a Pic Quik store across the street that made my mom cry.

In those lean times, we learned to economize and be grateful for what we had. My mom met someone special and one of his favorite things to do was to go out to eat, and one of my favorites was when he said, “Let’s go to Baskin Robbins”. This was amazing to me.

A visit to an expensive ice cream place (sorry to bust on Baskin Robbins), was amazing to me. When it came my turn to order, it all looked so good. I just could not decide, so I asked for a double scoop. Hmmm . . . the good ol’ days when I could get a double scoop. Not so much now, my metabolism has caught up with me.

Wait a minute . . . I interrupt myself to say that there might be a connection between yesterday’s blog and today’s, both having food as a source of delight – hmmm – could I be dieting again? But I digress . . .

Being greedy or gluttonous in the area of food might add to the Gluteus Maximus if you know what I mean. But there is a quest for more that God approves – especially when it is spent on others for His glory.

Elisha desperately did not want his mentor – his brother and discipler – Elijah to leave. Who would? When asked what Elijah could do for him, Elisha asked for a double portion of the prophetic spirit that energized Elijah.

Elisha was not asking for His glory, power or fame. He wanted the relationship with God that Elijah had. He knew He would need God’s grace to continue in the work God gave him to do. With all that Elijah did, who could fathom what a double portion would be? And what prompted such a desire?

In Old Testament times, the firstborn son was the inheritor of the “double portion”. Elijah was like a father to Elisha and Elisha wanted the spiritual inheritance from his father. What a great request – smart – kind of like Solomon asking for wisdom instead of riches.

Elisha saw His need of God to accomplish the ministry before Him, and he spent that double portion lavishly on God and His people, not for himself. Though there was this incident with mocking youngsters who kind of got mauled by a bear for calling him, “baldie” . . . so Elisha wasn’t perfect . . . but He hungered after God.

We aren’t so perfect, either. All the more reason to ask God to grant us a double portion spiritually that we might have energy, strength, wisdom and grace to serve God and His people with all our heart, mind, body and soul.

Oh God, may You grant a double portion to those who read this blog post today and to me, as well. Enable us to impart faithfully what You have given. Each talent, every gift You have so generously given – poured out and spent all for You.

Mundane Monday: Margin of Possibility

It is in pausing and being still that we are empowered to make an impact that ripples throughout eternity.

Inspirational Thought of the Day:

It is in pausing and being still that we are empowered to make an impact that ripples throughout eternity.

Scripture of the Day:

Psalm 127:2

“It is vain for you to rise early, come home late, and work so hard for your food. Yes, he can provide for those whom he loves even when they sleep.”

Running on the treadmill this morning I couldn’t help but feel somewhat like a hamster on a wheel. Another Monday, another day full of routine and responsibilities. Despite waking up with a headache, in an effort to be disciplined to reach my goals, on the treadmill I go. After that, I meant to throw some pinto beans and sausage in the crockpot this morning to feel especially accomplished to have exercised, showered and made dinner all by 8:00am, but life happens.

One child lost their cell phone, another child’s car was on empty, so on a day full of school orientations in addition to my normal full-time job, I need to flex and be creative, which is why I started work earlier today and am out the door early to accomplish the new challenges of the day, including writing this blog while my teenager with a learner’s permit is driving me to follow the child whose car is on empty on our way to Verizon. I meant that to be a run on sentence for effect. And Verizon is not open this early. Great – plan B or C, whichever plan we are on now. But I digress. Oh, wait – today’s blog is about creating margins in our life. Ha.

If I have a minute, or any amount of time, I will fill it up – Lord willing with useful endeavors, but I have often been told that I do too much. Guilty. But life is so short and I want to make the most of it. So where does margin come into this lifestyle I have created, which includes 5 children, a wonderful husband, leading worship, speaking at conferences, writing a book, writing a new song and working as an executive assistant? Good question. Very creatively is the answer.

It starts with rising early. I cannot accomplish all the LORD has placed upon my heart if I am not up before my kids, and one child in particular is awake before the sun rises. I tell him to occupy himself reading or building legos while I seek the face of God. Oh wait, that should have been point #1. God first. Am I perfect in that goal of placing God first? No, but somewhere in my day I have got to get into His word and my personal preference is to use a “Bible in a Year” reading plan. Here is a link to a website where you can choose a plan that works for you. Do I complete this perfectly every year? No, but I have learned to give myself grace and to press on year after year.

Discipleship. With a full life, discipleship for myself and my children, as well as time for my husband has to be intentional. These are the “big rocks” of life. My husband truly helps in this goal of closeness with date nights almost every week and setting aside time every year to go away together. Work will always be there, people won’t.

Discipling my children doesn’t look as neat and tidy as when my kids were little, when almost every morning we would rise and do a bible curriculum together, but they are older now and have responsibilities of their own. Creating opportunities to have one-on-one time is the challenge; it might be while driving in a car, or maybe just talking late at night, or finding a spot in the house to have a private conversation. Purposeful dates with kids is also one way this is achieved. Discipling for myself is a little harder to come by. This is where I mentor myself with books and studies – but when?

Multi-tasking. While on my treadmill, I have my reading glasses on, reading an inspirational study or a book on ministry, highlighting key phrases. An iPad is one of my favorites to use while on the treadmill, because it is easiest to highlight while literally, “on the go”. Another place where I multi-task is in the car. Since I have teens, I have built-in chauffeurs. It might make me a little sick to my stomach temporarily, but I can usually get something accomplished, whether it is doctor’s appointments, planning, working on my laptop, etc. Of course sometimes I need to be sensitive that it also might be time just to listen to loved ones.

Rest. My secret weapon is Melatonin gummies to help me get a good night’s rest. This is imperative for me to have strength and energy for the coming challenges of the day. It also helps with autoimmune diseases and might even curb headaches. The verse for today convicts my soul and reminds me that I am not invincible. Acquiescing to a schedule and getting proper rest are fundamental. This is still an area I am challenged in, but setting rest as a priority helps me achieve my goals.

Goals. I can have great ambitions and plans, but if they do not have deadlines, it will not get done. My flesh is a great obstacle in this regard, but as Paul said, I press on! In the past this has included registering for races which was an impetus to make me train. But goals are not enough alone. The motivation for the goals is essential. But where does that come from?

Attitude. My attitude needs adjustment that is only found in the word of God. This is the most important fuel for my heart. But all sorts of problems try to dismantle the joy and positive attitude that is formed by God’s word. What then? I can find motivation in courses, groups, studies or courses. Michael Hyatt’s course Best Year Ever was a real encouragement to me. But sometimes we need somebody to come alongside us.

Accountability. This one is tougher to find, but within our own household we can find someone who has a vested interest in our success. Small groups at church are another great option, or if we have to go it alone, planning tools can help to keep us on track.

Planning. Speaking of planning, building in time for planning is essential. Evernote really helps me in this regard, but then so does utilizing an old fashioned planner like Amy Knapp’s that I write all of my children’s work schedules and daily reminders for me in. But sometimes you just need to come apart or you will come apart. This past weekend was such a time for me, but I confess it was not planned.

Saturday was a beautiful day. No obligations other than preparing for worship leading and making meals for the family, who were all out of the house working. I basked in the presence of God and spent most of the day planning. This was a rare moment for this girl and I cherished every moment of it.

Don’t get me wrong – I am also the girl who wants to be around my family 24/7, but in this moment God created a space for me to think and ponder for an entire day. (A dangerous thing, I know). This time served as a catalyst that inspired a lot of changes to how I approach the Seeing Deep ministry going forward. Exciting stuff!

Examination. So in my quest to be effectively used by God and maximize the time God has given me, I learned again this past weekend that I need to take one day a month to set aside to pray and plan, in addition to my daily quiet time.

It also might mean examining my life to see where precious time is wasted and asking the LORD for wisdom with what needs to be pruned and what needs to be added. This article How Americans Spend Their Time was at once enlightening and a little sobering in that it conveyed both an opportunity to be introspective and aware of how we are numbering our days, as well as hopefully an encouragement about how some of our time is well spent.

I long to be faithful and passionately pass on this faith in Jesus that has arrested my soul. Ultimately we are all accountable to the LORD for how we used this evaporating commodity called time. But to be more effective, ministry, family goals and work take planning. It is in the margins of life that our souls are replenished and refocused to the mission God has called us to. It is in pausing and being still that we are empowered to make an impact that ripples throughout eternity.

Lord, help us to number our days aright that we might gain a heart of wisdom. Help us to honor You above all else in these lives You have given.

Exciting News for the Seeing Deep Blog – Published!

Photo Credits: refe99.com

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Job 33:3

I write honestly from my heart, seeking to make the truth known.

Psalm 19:14

May my words and my thoughts be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my sheltering rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 45:1

My heart overflows with a captivating theme, for my voice is the pen of a skillful writer.

Gratitude fills my heart when I consider this past year of blogging.  Thank you so much for taking time to stop in and visit. My first blog entry was “Pain, the Beautiful Tutor”  on 5/21/14 and plunged me into the adventure of exploring a deeper walk with God through writing from my devotional time and sharing it with others.  There are many journals I have filled over the years, but this was the first time I would venture to share it with others.  I had no idea how much this blog would help me, too, as I wrote what God spoke to my heart.  It has been one of the biggest blessings in my time with God and also a blessing to meet so many wonderful fellow bloggers and readers, too.

On this one year anniversary week, it is fitting that I should hear some really good news . . . drum roll, please . . . one of my devotions is under contract to be published next year in the Upper Room Devotional!!!!  The most amazing part for me is that the devotion will be translated into more than 39 languages in over 70 editions in over 100 countries around the world, reaching almost three million people. Humbled and overwhelmed.  My hope was to be able to encourage whoever God brought along my path with the kindness and mercy that He has shown me.  If just one person would know God more and see healing in their life, it was worth it.

I am looking forward to exploring this new door for effective ministry which has opened and submitting additional works. Thank you for your encouragement this past year.  Looking forward to writing more in the coming year, all for Jesus’ glory!

Lord, thank You for the privilege of writing about You.  No words could ever sufficiently give You the glory due Your Name, but how I cherish each moment spent with You.  Be glorified here, LORD.  For Your fame alone, Jesus.  Amen.

Answering the Call – Test Time!

Photo Credits: tfttraumarelief.com

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2 Corinthians 4:1-2, 5, 7

Therefore, since we have this ministry, just as God has shown us mercy, we do not become discouraged. 2 But we have rejected shameful hidden deeds, not behaving with deceptiveness or distorting the word of God, but by open proclamation of the truth we commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience before God. 5 For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake. 7 But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that the extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.

2 Corinthians 13:5

Put yourselves to the test to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize regarding yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you–unless, indeed, you fail the test!

Psalm 26:2

Examine me, O LORD, and test me! Evaluate my inner thoughts and motives!

Psalm 139:23

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

Students do not typically look forward to exams.  It is in the moments preceding the exam that they wonder if they have done enough.  Have they mastered the material?  An unprepared student hopes and prays for success, but it is not based on their work; they are just hoping for mercy.  So it is with us, in our calling as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Have we been in the Word of God and diligent to seek Him?  Are we prepared in season and out of season to share His salvation?  Are we willing to subject ourselves to an examination by God?

I woke up this morning with a sense that my heart and this ministry God has given would be under examination this week, as we are in our final week of raising support for the new music to be recorded.  As I asked God to confirm this ministry, I opened my Bible to the verses above in 2 Corinthians 4 and wept.

Stepping out to minister the word of God through song and word is the most amazing position I could ever have.  Each of us who have seen and understood God’s salvation has a ministry.  Each person’s calling will look different, but it is a calling, nonetheless – to share God’s salvation with a dying world.  How is it, that we should have a ministry?  That God would entrust this treasure – knowledge of Him and His salvation to broken clay pots?  Nothing short of a miracle by an amazing God.

With such a gift comes responsibility.  We must prove faithful.  We must remove any obstacles that stand in the way of people seeing Christ.  Any hidden sin must be seen and removed, so that we can, without hindrance, present a clear message from a pure heart.  God requires nothing less.  We might be broken clay pots, but God is in the business of taking broken things and making them beautiful.

Examining ourselves is a tricky thing to do.  We can easily come up with excuses or believe the best in ourselves.  But laying our hearts bare before God and asking Him to reveal our heart’s attitudes and hidden sins is a question God knows how to answer.  We can also ask godly people around us to evaluate us.  This takes humility and trust and ultimately what they share should be brought before God.  Sometimes the people around us who know that we are broken clay pots cannot receive our message.  That is okay – God will use another; and God can use us as messengers in other places, too.

As we examine ourselves, the litmus test cannot be man’s approval or numbers – it has to be our hearts and the evaluating tools God chooses.  Instead of fearing examination or being discouraged when we are tested by trials or personal choice, it should be a source of encouragement.  Being tested means we are seeking God and being prepared for being used by Him.  Those who submit to God’s test will come forth as refined silver – of great worth in God’s sight.  That makes the testing process worth it – beautiful indeed, and all for His glory.

Won’t you join me in evaluating the ministry God has given you?  This week I will be blogging about this process.  May our hearts be fully surrendered to Him.

Lord, I am Yours.  I am nothing apart from You.  Oh God, use me for Your glory.  Use all the brokenness form the pages of my life to give someone else courage.  Examine me and reveal hidden sins or attitudes that displease You and draw me nearer to You.  Be glorified in this clay pot. 

Stepping Out of the Boat – AGAIN

Photo Credits quoteko.com

Photo Credits

Matthew 14:28-30

Peter said to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”  29 And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  30 But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Joshua 1:9

“I repeat, be strong and brave! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic, for I, the LORD your God, am with you in all you do.”

Standing in the midst of an assembly of people all worshiping the LORD, the speaker’s eyes caught mine.  “Young lady, please come up here.  The LORD has a message for you”.  Twenty-six years ago as a new Christian, I was unsure of what was about to happen.  God had called me through a prophetic message given to me in a dream when I was a little girl.  I do not know why, in His mercy, He chose me, but I know I cannot cease praising Him for His mercy.  At this moment, in front of all these people, I was singled out and a music ministry was spoken over me.  I would be singing and playing keyboard on stage.

Funny thing was, I really was not a pianist at the time and did not seek to be in front of people.  In fact, I played the mini-tuba, puffing my cheeks and pulled the music stand just high enough so no one could see anything but my eyes.  I liked it that way.  An introvert by nature, why on earth would the LORD want to use me in front of people?

Within weeks of that prophesy, I was asked to play keyboard and sing on a worship team of a church plant.  “What?”  “Me?” There were far more talented people – extroverted people with charismatic personalities.  Uncomfortable as I was, I could not deny that the LORD has begun to pour songs into my spirit and I was suddenly writing music, singing and playing piano – something I had not had the ability to do before.

When God calls you to something, it is not always fully realized until a much later date. The Israelites would wander 40 years until they got to the promised land.  Joseph would ultimately see his prophesy come to pass, but not before many side roads that did not seem to be of God.  Abraham had to wait until he was 100 to finally gaze upon his promised son. Who says that when God calls you it will be fulfilled right away?  Not this girl – not this girl.

My music ministry has seen some interesting twists and turns.  Confirmation again and again, despite setbacks.  Winner of the “Do Good” ministry award (2000), chosen to be on The Spirit Radio Compilation CD (2001), radio play from both CDs, (2001, 2007), Inspirational album of the year (2006), first place IMMA Christian Contemporary Artist on “An Evening with Champions” television show (2007), an artist with Mission of Mercy helping sponsor children, a worship leader on staff and as a volunteer in several churches.  In the midst of all of these things was the greatest calling and delight of my life – raising my children, home educating them and discipling them.

But all the external validations are not what meant the most to me in ministry.  Seeing people encouraged and the opportunity to share God’s amazing, awesome goodness to help others keep putting one foot in front of the other and to know the One true God – brought me far more joy than any award ever could.  Seeing my children get a heart for missions and ministry by being a part of the process – priceless.

At the height of ministry, horror and trauma impacted my family and I set aside formal ministry.  My attention was where it needed to be – with my children.  Over the years, I have wondered if that calling was over or if God was not through with me yet.  I have battled with self-doubt and a variety of reasons why I should just give up, but inside me is an insatiable calling that I can no longer deny.  When I sing and write music, or I write or speak about my LORD, I sense His pleasure.  (Sure, this is a line borrowed from one of my favorite films, “Chariots of Fire”, but it so well describes the confirmation in my soul of this calling).

I am humbled and excited to share with you all that I am officially stepping out of the boat and going to step back into formal ministry.  So here it is, the eve before I officially begin the process of recording my next CD and step back into a calling that was interrupted by tragedy, but not forgotten.  It is hard to express the feelings in the depths of my soul.  At New Life Community Church in Louisa, VA tomorrow (Sunday), I will be sharing personal testimony and announcing the recording of a new 5-song EP to be produced by Shay Watson and released this summer.

We are launching a Pledge Campaign TOMORROW on 2/1/15 and invite you to partner with us. Be a part of the creative process by pre-buying music, donating or participating in exclusive offers on our campaign website. Please visit www.pledgemusic.com/projects/seeingdeep and come with me on this faith walk.  Learn more about the Seeing Deep project and join us in this adventure. Thank you all so much!!

Blessed and Amazed,
Denise Pass | Seeing Deep

Thoughtful Thursday: Devotion to Who?

Romans 12:10 “Be devoted to one another with mutual love, showing eagerness in honoring one another.”  Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Serving the body of Christ is one of the greatest honors a Christian can do.  God is truly glorified when people come together and serve Him, whether it is in missions, youth, children’s ministry, teaching, worship ministry, small group ministry or however the LORD leads.  I have served in worship for over twenty years and experienced many different styles of worshiping God.  I have sacrificed higher staff positions at churches to serve alongside precious saints, and count it all joy. But sometimes we can become too comfortable in our role, or stay in a role for people rather than God’s calling. Devotion is hard to come by these days.  Scripture calls us to be devoted to one another, but we set ourselves up for disappointment if our devotion is in man instead of the LORD.  We are not serving a church or a leader, no, we are serving God.  Coupled with devotion to a person is expectation.  We should serve with no other motivation than bringing God joy, and yet oftentimes we have expectations at what that service could eventually lead to, if we are honest. Certainly if one has proven faithful in their service, it is biblical that eventually after being faithful with a little one will be faithful with more talents.  Desiring to grow the talents given is also God-honoring.  We want to prove faithful with the trust and spiritual gifts the LORD has given to us and not squander what He has placed on our heart, but sometimes in our humanity we do not understand that God is nudging us on. It is times like these that our hearts can be in anguish because we love the people we are privileged to serve with, but also know that every position we hold is temporary.  If we are devoted to God, then we want to please Him and go wherever He will send us.  Sometimes this hurts, but the peace of obedience and following Him far surpasses any plans we may have. Lord, lead us and help us to not look to man, but to You alone.  May we be devoted to You and Your glory in everything we do.