Thoughtful Thursday: The Heat is On!

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Proverbs 17:3 “The crucible is for refining silver and the furnace is for gold, likewise the LORD tests the heart.”

Proverbs 25:4 “Remove the dross from the silver, and material for the Silversmith will emerge.”

Malachi 3:3 “He will act like a refiner and purifier of silver and will cleanse the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then they will offer the LORD a proper offering.

Romans 5:3 “Not only this, but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance…”

Analogies can help us comprehend deeper spiritual application, but we no longer live in a time where the local silversmith is around the next corner.  Scriptures detailing the process of purifying silver might not seem as relatable to our microwave generation.  The process of purifying silver takes time and careful attention.  Standards can be lowered when impatience is allowed to reign over quality and purity.  But it is uncomfortable to remain in the heat and difficult to tarry when refining hurts.

Another analogy has proved helpful to me in understanding this process of refining that God does in the life of His children. If we had to undergo surgery for an infirmity but hopped off the surgical table every time there was pain, we would never be healed. But remaining in God and trusting His hand despite the perceived harm will produce a rare treasure.  If the uncomfortable shaking allowed into our lives was avoided or placated by running to alternative sources of comfort rather than God, then perhaps the refining would be extended – not out of cruelty, but out of love and a desire to rid us of dross in our lives.

The humanistic philosophies of the day would say we should tolerate and accept our dross and not judge one another for our shortcomings.  That is actually not kindness at all.  Neither should we judge when someone is going through a difficult season.  We cannot understand why, but loving accountability walks alongside and knows that we all have dross that must be purged.  To keep the cancer of sin in our lives or to make excuses for it instead of submitting to God to remove it is folly.  Who would choose to keep a disease if there was a known cure?

Sometimes we can think the refining process is pure evil – why do such difficult times have to be allowed in to produce beauty?  I remember foolishly asking the LORD why I had to go through such difficult trials until I understood they were the very source of inspiration for my music or writing.  I could wish that I would not have to undergo such dire circumstances, but then I would not trade the closeness to God in the midst or the character gained in that fire.

The bride of Christ is being made beautiful, one crucible at a time.  Through blurry, tear-filled eyes it can be difficult to see clearly the fruit that God is producing, but to rejoice in that moment of suffering at what it is achieving is truly seeing with eternal eyes.  The jewel in the rough is becoming a gem that will shine forever.

Lord, help us to yield to You when in the fire of life’s challenges.  Make us more like you!

A Matter of Trust

By: Denise Pass © 5/30/14


Joshua 21:45

“Not one of the Lord’s faithful promises to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; every one was realized.”

Joshua 23:11

“Watch yourselves carefully! Love the Lord your God!”

Joshua 24:14, 16

“Now obey the Lord and worship Him with integrity and loyalty. Put aside the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt and worship the Lord.” :16 The people responded, far be it from us to abandon the Lord so we can worship other gods!

Trust. Such a small word and such a hard thing to do. If you have lived long enough to understand the language and dialect around you, you have had your trust broken; whether it was a family member or a friend, someone, somewhere has let you down. Live a little longer and maybe you will taste the bitter fruit of betrayal. Boy, I sound like a pessimist, don’t I? But pretending we have not been wounded by someone not fulfilling what they promised is not a solution, is it? Perhaps the most difficult of all is when you experience a horrific tragedy that you never fathomed would happen to you – sexual abuse, divorce, an incapacitating illness – where was God then? Is your trust in God hurt today, because of the actions of another who hurt you? Why is it that we blame God when another’s hand committed the pain? Or when living in a fallen world with diseases means we might become infected ourselves? Lastly, when our own sinful choices cause devastating consequences in our lives or the lives of others? Breathe in what the Bible says about God’s character. Not one. Not a single promise has He not kept. He is good – no evil resides within Him. How then can He be the author of evil that manifests in our lives? God is compassionate and weeps over the sins committed against us because of what it does to our soul. We mentally assent to these truths about God, but our heart betrays us. Oftentimes we convince ourselves that we trust God, but we cleave to something or someone else for peace and comfort. It’s a scary world out there, but no god or substitute can deliver us from the uncertainty living in a fallen world presents. Joshua is speaking to us now to put aside those things – idols, false gods, worldly solutions – that we seek to fill our trust vacuum. It can be so hard to do, but it is what is required to walk in a relationship of trust with God. “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6). If today those words pierce your soul, if it seems impossible to truly be abandoned to trusting God with all of your life, surrender. That’s right. Admit that you cannot do it and lay it at His feet. Maybe consider bowing down, since we all will bow before Him ultimately. His shoulders are big enough to carry your burdens and His love never ceases. He alone is completely trustworthy.  Trust Him, today.  He is good – all the time.

Lord, help us to trust you when we are surrounded by a multitude of burdens that can turn our heart away from the simplicity of sweet trust and surrender in you. Minister and heal hearts that read this blog today, and pour out your love on them, Lord – all for Your glory!